Halloween costumes are what make Halloween a special scary night of horror and fun. Any child will wake up the next morning after Halloween night and the first question that will be on their mind, where’s my Halloween candy? And what kind of Halloween costume do I want to have next year? The ability to wear a Halloween mask and transform yourself into something or someone else is the excitement of dressing up on Halloween night. Changing yourself into a scarecrow, monster, vampire, or some other new Halloween costume idea this is the most exciting part of Halloween night that you can enjoy and the most outrageous type of Halloween costume is better.

Where did Halloween masks and Halloween costumes start?

The wearing of Halloween masks and costumes started a long time ago. The Celts believed Halloween night brought out the spirits of the dead that would roam free among the living on the earth. Some spirits were fun and good and humorous and then on the darker side there would be some resentful and hostile ghosts that did not enjoy seeing the living enjoying the bounty of life in the land that once belonged to them that have already past to the next world. The Celtics would wear masks and disguises to hide themselves from these dangerous spirits by painting the their faces with soot from which later evolved into the more distinguishable Halloween masks and costumes ideas of today’s Halloween costumes. Not long after it also became custom that by imitating the spirits by dressing as skeletons or ghosts they would blend themselves in and not be seen by the bad spirits.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/322497


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